Email campaigns


A great email campaign can help nurture relationships with your potential or existing customers.

When creating a new campaign you can select what type of email you'll send, campaign, behavioural or transaction (we'll explain these a little later). You can also choose who you want your email to be sent from and 1 or more email lists to send to, plus add Google Analytics tracking and some other cool things.

In design mode you'll be able to choose from one of our templates to edit and use or start from scratch. Either way you'll be able to use all the features of our simple drag & drop editor.

Creating an email campaign

To create a new campaign go to the Campaigns section and click the Create Campaign button.

Personalisation & merge tags

Mizmoz allows you to add personalisation to your email content and subject lines.

Basic syntax

You can include basic information like the users firstname, lastname etc

Hi {{user.firstname}}

Control statements

Sometimes you may only want to show a piece of a template if a condition is met, for instance if a users firstname is set

{{IF user.firstname}}
    Hi {{user.firstname}}, we've got some great news just for you!

You may also choose to display something if a condition is not met

{{IFNOT user.firstname}}
    We don't know your name, but we'd like to get to know you!

You can also add an else condition to either of the above controls

{{IF user.firstname}}
    Hi {{user.firstname}}, we've got some great news just for you!
    Hi there, we've got something for you.

You can also compare against strings, note you must ALWAYS use single quotes for this

{{IF user.firstname == 'Ian'}}
    This is something special for all the Ian's out there.

Comparisons can be made using any of these, ==, >, >=, <, <= and !=

{{IF user.age >= 21}}
    Club night tonight!

Available merge tags

Subscriber details

  • {{user.title}}
  • {{user.firstname}}
  • {{user.lastname}}
  • {{}}
  • {{user.list}}
  • {{user.listId}}
  • {{user.hash}}
  • {{user.meta.YOUR-CUSTOM-NAME}}


  • {{subject}}
  • {{fromName}}
  • {{fromEmail}}
  • {{unsubscribe}}
  • {{preferences}}
  • {{viewOnline}}
  • {{forward}}
  • {{shareCampaign}}
  • {{shareFacebook}}
  • {{shareTwitter}}